My Momma was and is my best friend… She would always tell me that I was her greatest gift from God… We had a chance to rebuild our relationship from the ground up… I lived with her and took care of her the last 7 years of her life…  Being a caregiver is taxing… It wasn’t easy at all but it was so worth it to be as close as we were when she passed… I wouldn’t change ANY OF IT!

     January 1, 2020… I did a confessional video and asked her, “What advice do you have for someone who’s going through, not feeling life, feeling suicidal, grieving loved ones?” She responded, “GET YOUR KNEES DIRTY! Talk to God like you would talk to one of your friends. He will help you find the words.”

     January 22, 2020… I found her body lifeless at our home that we’ve been in since I was 2 years old… So 37 years… Have you ever felt like you couldn’t live/ breathe/ go on without someone? This is how I felt about My Momma.. It has always been ME and HER… In her honor I launched Carmen’s Courageous Courage in September of 2020.

     GET YA KNEES DIRTY signifies praying, resilience, hard work, not giving up on yourself… Its going to be difficult sometimes BUT KEEP GOING… If you’re brought to it you’ll get through it… Its all about a positive mindset…

     SHIIID signifies your RAW feelings… Your feelings are valid… Feel ALL of it… Let NOONE tell you how to feel about ANYTHING… If they don’t respect your feelings, they don’t respect you…

     My ultimate goal is to motivate and inspire others as others do for me as I inspire and motivate myself… Grief is real… Trauma is real… It DOESN’T DEFINE YOU! Grief has no expiration date and each person has a unique path to healing… “FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD!… One day at a time….
